Dont forget to book those Marine or land trips for when your holidaying with us this year, follow the link on the right for Elemental tours and enjoy a great day out with Wildlife expert Rory Goodall on land or Sea!!
Huge whale strands on north coast 23rd February 2010 The body of a huge whale has been found on the north coast of Cornwall. The Cornwall Wildlife Trust Marine Strandings Network believes it to be a fin whale, which had first been reported floating close to the shore off Pendeen. The Marine Strandings Network were called to the stranded fin whale, photo by Gary Hawkins The whale was originally spotted by Jean Lawman, a keen naturalist who regularly watches out for marine wildlife. Jean saw it about three kilometres offshore through her telescope and realised that it was too big to be any other species. Fin whales are often seen at this time of year, but sadly this one appeared to be dead, so it was reported to the Marine Strandings Network Hotline. Unfortunately, the whale did not beach and continued to float on the tides. Five days after the first sighting, the Marine Strandings Network's Hotline was alerted again to the whale after it had been seen near Porthtowan. Remarkably, it...
Golowan Festival & Mazey Day 27th June The Golowan Festival - named for Gol Jowan in the Cornish language meaning "Feast of John" - is a recent revival of an ancient festival celebrated in years gone by to mark the arrival of Midsummer. Originally revived as a project amongst some local schools, helping to bring their heritage to the children of today, this has now become a ten-day celebration of music and the performing arts with venues all over Penzance during the second half of June. The Festival runs for approximately ten days in late June, with details being available in the Events Diary . The culmination of the Festival is over three days of the weekend around St John's Eve. Summer Fire on the Friday of that weekend is a spectacular fireworks display as a finale to some light-hearted events around the Jubilee Pool on th...
Well Christmas is well and truly over and the New Year period is our busiest time for bookings....and this year is no exception! So for all our regular visitors please hurry and get in touch for this years busy Season if you would like certain pitches or caravans please get in touch QUICKLY!!!!! Craig and I would like to wish all our customers new and old a very very Happy 2010 and look forward to seeing you all in the new year!
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